Zillennials, Social Media and Artificial Intelligence: A Survey on West Java’s Digital Natives

Main Article Content

Vidi Sukmayadi
Sarah Annisa Fadhila
Ira Mirawati
Melly Maulin Purwaningwulan
Enjang Muhaemin


Today’s rapid digital and artificial intelligence development has a significant impact on the lives of generation Z, also known as Zillennials. This study is part of the research initiative taken by the Indonesian Association of Communications Scholars of West Java Region (ISKI Jabar) ,  and  aims to identify and map trends in the usage of social media and artificial intelligence among the region's Zillennials. The survey was conducted on 515 respondents aged 12-27 years, covering aspects of device utilization, intensity of internet and social media use, and perceptions of AI. Based on the study's findings, West Java Zillennials had a high level of device ownership and internet usage intensity, reaching 93% with an average daily duration of 5-6 hours. Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter have emerged as the primary social media platforms for Generation Z, substituting Facebook's previous supremacy. The integration of AI, particularly Google Assistant and ChatGPT, is increasingly becoming prevalent in everyday life, mostly employed to assist with work and academic assignments, as well as for information retrieval. Although most Zillennials display excitement towards the utilization of AI, their technical comprehension of AI classifications and functionalities remains restricted. The findings have significant implications for understanding the influence of technology on the lives of Zillennials. They also emphasize the importance of enhancing media literacy skills to properly embrace the digital and artificial intelligence era.

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How to Cite
Sukmayadi, V., Fadhila, S. A., Mirawati, I., Purwaningwulan, M. M., & Muhaemin, E. (2024). Zillennials, Social Media and Artificial Intelligence: A Survey on West Java’s Digital Natives. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 9(1), 82–91. https://doi.org/10.25008/jkiski.v9i1.958
Author Biographies

Vidi Sukmayadi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Vidi Sukmayadi is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Communication Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).

Sarah Annisa Fadhila, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Sarah Annisa Fadhila is a research assistant at the Communications Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).

Ira Mirawati, Universitas Padjajaran

Ira Mirawati is a Head of Study Program at Communication Management Department, Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Padjajaran (UNPAD).

Melly Maulin Purwaningwulan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Melly Maulin Purwaningwulan is a Head of Study Program at Communication Department Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM).

Enjang Muhaemin, Universitas Islam Negeri, Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Enjang Muhaemin is a Head of Study Program at Journalism Department, Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Islam Negeri, Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (UIN SGD).


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