Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia2024-12-16T01:15:03+00:00Prof. Dr. Rajab Ritonga, M.Siredaksi@jurnal-iski.or.idOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="float: left; width: 220px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 10px; border: 2px solid #184B80;" src="" /></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia</strong> (JKISKI) is an international peer-reviewed journal organized and published by the Indonesian Association of Communication Scholars (ISKI) in collaboration with Faculty of Communication Padjadjaran University. This journal is a follow-up of the previous JKISKI which was firstly published in 1991. Since 2016, it has been published electronically with new ISSN: e-ISSN 2503-0795 and p-ISSN 2548-8740.</p> <p>The journal consists of online and print versions, published bi-annually at the end of June and December of the current year. As a scientific periodical, the journal is subject to standard provisions of peer reviews conducted by Communication Scholars from various universities. All submitted manuscripts will go through the <strong>double-blind peer review</strong> and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication. </p> <p><strong>The JKISKI </strong>is for publications focusing on social life in which communication occurs through the use of various media. The manuscripts to be published include the results of research, theoretical thinking, and the study of various phenomena of human life in communication. The area of research of JISKI are, but not limited to:</p> <ul> <li>Communication and National Resilience</li> <li>Communication and Policies</li> <li>Communication, War, and Conflicts</li> <li>Health Communication</li> <li>Globalization and Social Impact</li> <li>Media, Democracy and Integration</li> <li>Media Literacy and Media Education</li> <li>Media and Tourism </li> <li>Media and Development</li> <li>Media, Popular Culture, and Society</li> <li>Media and Religion</li> <li>Media and Identity</li> <li>Media and Law</li> <li>Politics, Hegemony, and the Media</li> <li>Gender and Sexuality in the Media</li> <li>The Social Media and Subcultures</li> <li>Youth and Media Globalization</li> <li>Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Power</li> <li>Audience Analysis</li> </ul> <p><strong>The JKISKI </strong>was designated as scientific periodicals accredited dated September 26, 2019 by the Director General of Strengthening the Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28/E/KPT/2019 as a Sinta-2. It was valid since volume 4(1) in 2019 until volume 8(1) in 2023.<strong> </strong>After that, JKISKI was again recognized as a SINTA-2 journal based on the Degree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology number 153/E/KPT/2023 dated September 25, 2023 which is valid for five years starting from volume 7(2) in 2022 to volume 12(1) 2027.</p> <p>The Journal has been using Open Journal System requiring all writers to register in advance before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. Afterward, the editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the manuscript processing. The Journal publishes the selected paper under a <strong><a href="">Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></strong></p> of Disaster News Content through the Regional Disaster Management Agency Website of Sleman Regency2024-07-10T08:27:07+00:00Puji Isworo Yulita Garmadyuti Suryawijayasuryaiyok29@gmail.comVanissa Zera<p>The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Sleman Regency now uses its website for quick and accurate disaster communication. However, the website content needs improvement to play its crucial role effectively. This study assesses the management of disaster news content on the BPBD Sleman Regency website by employing a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. Data was collected through a variety of methods including FGD, simulations, interviews, and website observations. Analysis encompasses data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Quantitative data includes percentage scoring from questionnaires distributed to website managers, contributors, BPBD secretariat, and the public. Qualitative data comprises descriptions from FGD, observations, and interviews conducted on August 2, 2022. The result showed that BPBD Sleman Regency has two websites, managed separately by the secretariat and TRC teams. The evaluation revealed that 51.8% of the community need the website for disaster information, and 87.1% find it easy to access the website. However, improvements are needed to optimize the website for quality information delivery and disaster communication. This study offers recommendations including enhancing HR competence for website management and community socialization to enhance disaster information services.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Puji Lestari Relationship between Communication Channels and Health Behavior2024-06-09T07:23:53+00:00Diah Nur<p>The epidemiological transition has occurred significantly over the last two decades, with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) becoming the main burden. In context of health communication, health campaign activities are expected to reduce these problems. The objective of the research is to analyze health communication channels and the relationship between health communication channels and health behavior. Data were collected by applying a survey method using a self-administered questionnaire. The survey was conducted in Depok City, West Java, Indonesia. Respondents were residents of aged fifteen years and over, who had been exposed to health promotion campaigns or activities from the various communication channels used. Total sample size was 120 respondents. Univariate analysis was applied to get frequency distribution tables, while bivariate analysis was applied using Pearson correlation analysis. The research results indicate that majority of the residents are still in moderate category with regard to implementing health behaviors. There are still many people, who implement unhealthy behaviors, particularly with regard to regular health checks. Secondly, the frequency of use of health promotion communication channels remains low. New media channels, interpersonal media and community media are three channels that are perceived as trustworthy, attractive and credible. Thirdly, this study found that the frequency of using communication channels, channel trustworthiness, attractiveness and credibility have a significant relationship with health behavior. The findings of this study have implications for health campaign program designers, who should consider including campaign messages that can lead to improve public health behavior and prevent the occurrence of NCDs.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Febrina Contribution of Social Identity to Conformity in Korean Pop Fans2024-05-11T21:19:42+00:00K. Y.S.<p>Riots in a certain group have become widespread today, and the activities of many irresponsible people acting on behalf of various groups have resulted in an unfavorable perception of that group among the general public. This is true for K-Pop fans, who regularly experience negative stigma as a result of irresponsible behavior. As a result, many K-Pop fans attempt to define themselves and their groups as social groups that are not like what the majority of people imagine, both stigmatizing and seeing them in a negative way. The goal of this research is to explore how social identity influences compliance among K-Pop enthusiasts. This study employed a quantitative research strategy, collecting data through questionnaires with two measuring instruments: the social identification scale and the conformity scale. The population under investigation includes individuals and social groupings, with a particular focus on K-Pop fans residing in DKI Jakarta. The samples used in this study comprised both individual K-Pop fans and non-fans; there were 82 respondents in total: 40 non-fans and 42 K-Pop aficionados. The research being conducted seeks to discover whether, as direct K-Pop enthusiasts believe, social identity plays a role in conforming to the fandom, as well as the perspectives and thoughts of non-K-Pop fans. A simple regression analysis was used for this study's data analysis. The results of the study show that social identity influences compliance by 56.3%.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 K. Y.S. Putri, Luthfi Fazli Journalistic Competence in Realizing Press Professionalism in Riau Province2024-05-18T05:26:40+00:00Eka<p align="justify">To ensure professionalism, every journalist must fulfil one important factor called journalistic competence. Journalistic competence is assessed through three main aspects: awareness, knowledge and skills. Competent journalists should be able to produce quality journalistic works and support the realisation of press professionalism. This study aims to determine journalists' understanding of journalist competence and enable them to apply competence values in the field. This research was conducted in Riau Province, Indonesia, using a qualitative method with purposive sampling technique. Six journalists, consisting of three competency-certified and three non-competency-certified journalists, were interviewed in depth. From the data obtained, the research was followed by a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with eleven research participants to assess the application of journalists' competencies and the social responsibility of the press. The FGDs generated several views on the existence of journalists and discussed solutions to problems faced by journalists and media companies in Riau. This study has three outcomes: understanding of journalists' competencies, the application of journalists' competencies and social responsibility, and community involvement in realising press professionalism. This study concludes that every journalist still needs to improve their professionalism by understanding and applying the values of journalist competence. This research gave birth to a new concept of community involvement in promoting press professionalism supported by Press Law Number 40 of 1999.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Putra State’s Disinformation Campaigns and the Young Iranian Dissidents’ Participatory Media Literacy2024-09-04T13:43:02+00:00Azeri<p>State media plays a central role in empowering the authoritarian regimes to subjugate their people. In Iran, this undemocratic practice largely takes place in the form of information manipulation where the state-run national media generate deceptive messages to sway the masses and influence the public opinion. Yet, the rapid advancements of communication technologies in the past two decades have gradually shaken this power structure in a variety of ways, among them enabling a form of participatory media literacy (PML) among dissident youth. Characterized by virtual social networking, PML has progressively grown from the youth’s online activism and political engagement, especially during the periods of social unrest. Intersecting ‘participatory culture’, this form of media literacy emanates from a rather organic and spontaneous progression in knowledge and experience acquisition which distinguishes it from the conventional learning of the subject in the educational institutes, both in terms of the scope limitation as well as the learners’ deliberation. Typically, the process involves the members’ active participation (content sharing, discussions and critical evaluation of the presumably disinformation cases) in social media and other oppositional online communities. Taking Telegram as a popular social networking platform for the young activists’ PML, this study uses netnography to examine the contents of some of the subversive Telegram channels (STCs), providing examples of the disinformation cases discussed/evaluated by the members. Ultimately, it is argued that in authoritarian nations, PML offers opportunities for nullifying the state’s disinformation campaigns and their preventive effects on the progress of social movements and political change.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alireza Azeri Matin Communication for Disaster Mitigation in the Gunung Padang Area - West Java2024-09-05T07:28:22+00:00J.A Wempiwempi@lspr.eduMuhamad Hidayatm.hidayat@lspr.eduAnanto<p>Cianjur, West Java, is one of the areas with a high level of disaster threats according to the Indonesia Disaster Risk Index report in 2022. One of the disaster threats is the 100-kilometer long Cimandiri Fault in West Java which is the oldest fault, not to mention the danger of landslides. . Gunung Padang is a disaster-prone area, making Gunung Padang at risk of being affected by tectonic earthquakes because it is situated between earthquake generating lines divided into fault segments that cross 17 districts in Sukabumi, Cianjur and Bandung. Religious and cultural aspects often play an important role in disaster mitigation, especially in communities with strong religious and cultural values. This research aims to analyze spiritual-based disaster communication in the Gunung Padang area, West Java. This research used descriptive qualitative methods and collected data through semi-structured interviews. The data used for this research is primary data to be obtained directly from the first source or original source, including community leaders and local government by using observation and interview techniques. Meanwhile, the secondary data is obtained from other supporting documents. The results of this study show that the people of the Gunung Padang area traditionally uphold and maintain the wisdom and spiritual aspects of Lok which have an important role in conveying disaster mitigation messages. This study also highlights the importance of local beliefs, which shape the community's disaster awareness and influence their thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. The religious aspect of local wisdom encourages harmony with nature and prevents its exploitation. Spiritual communication plays a significant role in the lives of the Gunung Padang community and is an essential aspect of disaster awareness, which is based on the integration of knowledge, skills, and local wisdom.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 J.A Wempi, Muhamad Hidayat, Ananto Akbar Communication in the Self Concept and Cultural Identity of the People of Indramayu Regency through Ngarot Tradition2024-01-28T14:33:44+00:00Yeni Nuraeniynuraeni.02@gmail.comAshur<p>This research aims to find out psychological communication through the self-concept and cultural identity of the people of Indramayu Regency using a symbolic interaction theory (mind, self and society). Ngarot tradition evolved within Lelea community in Indramayu Regency, West Java, where they celebrated the tradition every year. The word Ngarot comes from Sanskrit which means to cleanse oneself from stains and sins from the wrong behavior of a person or a group of people in the past. Ngarot tradition is closely related to the cultural identity that is shaped in the society and serves as the symbols of the next generation. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the research show that the self-concept of the people of Indramayu Regency is designed to appreciate and respect the culture, by preserving it through agricultural activities, as well as to express gratitude to God. The cultural identity of the Lelea community can be seen from various things that developed in the area, including those in the socio-cultural, economic, and religious fields.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yeni - Nuraeni Essence of Female Journalist’s Experience In the Newsroom of Pakistan2024-05-21T03:27:05+00:00Jamshaid<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This study delves into the challenges confronted by women working in the media sector in Pakistan, specifically focusing on journalists, producers, and editors. The primary objective is to identify and analyze the various obstacles hindering the professional advancement and well-being of women in this industry. Phenomenology method was used to collect the data. Thematic analysis was employed to identify common themes and patterns across the participants' experiences and perceptions. The findings reveal a multitude of challenges faced by women in the media industry, including workplace stress, technical difficulties, tight deadlines, gender discrimination, biased promotion practices, unequal pay, harassment, limited training opportunities, and closed circles obstructing career progression. Gender inequalities are pervasive, with women being underrepresented in top management positions and facing lower compensation compared to their male counterparts. Additionally, female journalists struggle to balance work and personal life responsibilities amidst societal expectations. To address these challenges, the study recommends the implementation of policies and regulatory frameworks to protect women journalists, the establishment of training programs for professional development, the creation of mentorship opportunities, and the promotion of inclusivity and diversity within media organizations. Collaborative efforts between governments, media outlets, and society are essential to ensure the safety, well-being, and advancement of women in the media sector.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jamshaid Ahmed Migration of Javanese Poetry Writers from Print into Digital Media2024-10-04T03:29:21+00:00Joe Harrianto<p>Literature is an important part of a nation's civilization. Local literature also contributes to the transmission of local values from one generation to the next. So far, written literature has been printed and disseminated through print media and also in sections in print media such as magazines and newspapers. Including the publication of Javanese poetry in local media. However, as of now, the disruptive era has forced some print media publications to close, while others have migrated online. Javanese poetry writers must also find new ways to create their work online. The research method used was descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews with Javanese poetry artists who are members of the Paguyuban Panotocoro Yogyakarta. Media adaptation involves a system's ability to adjust to users' behaviors or environmental changes. The challenge that traditional Javanese artists face when migrating to the internet era is their lack of understanding of technology. Additionally, a significant issue confronting Javanese poets as they transition to the digital age lies in the shift required by the internet’s audio-visual technology. This shift demands that the traditional written format be transformed into audio or video formats. The research findings reveal that the digitization of Javanese poetry has, in a way, returned it to its original form, where it was traditionally performed as <em>tembang</em> or songs. <em>Tembang</em>, as a form of oral communication, served as the primary means through which Javanese people conveyed messages before they adopted writing systems and lettered scripts. This mode of delivering messages in a peaceful and fluid setting allows the moral messages within the poetry to be easily absorbed and internalized in people’s lives.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Joe Harrianto Setiawan of Innovation in Hospitals: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Using Instagram2024-10-04T09:32:29+00:00Herna Hernahernamasya@gmail.comPutri Risa<p>Instagram is a potential platform for disseminating information to the public, mainly health-related information. The Tanah Abang Regional General Hospital (RSUD Tanah Abang) has adopted Instagram as a medium for providing health information and services. This study aims to analyze the utilization of Instagram by RSUD Tanah Abang as an information platform for the public. The research used a qualitative approach with a constructivist paradigm, employing the Diffusion of Innovation theory as an analytical tool. Data was collected through observations of the @rsudtanahabang account and in-depth interviews with the public relations team and its followers. The findings show that RSUD Tanah Abang adopted Instagram due to its relative advantages over conventional media, such as fast information dissemination, two-way interaction capabilities, and ease of developing engaging content. The @rsudtanahabang account successfully increased public engagement in conveying health information. Interactive features like Instagram Feed, Stories, Reels, and Instagram Live strengthen the two-way interaction between the hospital and the public. Content on @rsudtanahabang is dynamically and regularly managed, following social media trends to ensure the information remains relevant and engaging. Instagram has proven to be a compatible tool for disseminating service-related information, such as doctor schedules, strategic health issues, treatment procedures, and health education. However, several challenges were identified and deemed necessary by the hospital, including (1) maintaining the consistency of information shared through Instagram. The hospital must ensure that the content published is always accurate, relevant, and adheres to medical protocols, and (2) managing negative comments responsively and professionally to preserve the hospital’s reputation.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Herna Herna Network Analysis of Betrayal News Regarding the Presidential Candidate of the Coalition for Change and Improvement on Kompas.com2024-10-04T07:21:52+00:00Pitoyo<p>Political communication is heating up as the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election approaches. Nine political parties in the Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI) have formed three coalitions: Change and Improvement (Nasdem, Democrat, PKS), Indonesia Maju (Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, PKB), and PDIP (PDI-P, PPP). However, in late November 2023, a sudden shift occurred when Nasdem and PKB supported Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (Amin). The Democratic Party felt betrayed. This research aims to analyze political parties' communication with the emergence of presidential and vice presidential candidates Amin on Researchers examined the communication network digitally using discourse network analysis (DNA). This method used the DNA approach in the context of political communication concepts proposed by Nimmo, including the Communicator, Message, Communication Channel, Audience, and Effect. These five concepts serve as the foundation for analyzing news related to the accusations of betrayal in the Change and Improvement coalition. This research conducts qualitative analysis, providing a depiction of the digital communication lines between communicators within the political party coalitions, especially those most frequently accusing the Amin coalition of betrayal, and rebuttals from the parties accused of betrayal.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pitoyo Pitoyo, Bella Amalia Audit as a Barometer for the Effectiveness of Indonesian Tourism Information Dissemination2024-09-11T10:59:38+00:00Devi Wening Fataya<p>The dissemination of information or publications with clear messaging and appropriate media selection is crucial. This research evaluates the dissemination of information or publications and the choice of communication media by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy through their Instagram account, to ascertain its accessibility and comprehensibility across all sectors of society. To address this issue, the researcher employed the evaluative audit method using content analysis and readability study design. The selected audit method was Taylor's cloze test procedure. Data collection involved distributing questionnaires based on the selected publication texts or captions related to the “Bangga Berwisata di Indonesia” (BBWI) with the hashtag #DiIndonesiaAja. Research respondents included both followers and non-followers of on Instagram, selected through accidental sampling technique, amounting to a sample size of 100 respondents. This study found that the average readability score for the first caption was 35%, indicating the text was difficult to understand, while the second caption scored 50%, indicating moderate to understand. These findings suggest that readability levels remain low and need improvement. Efforts are necessary from the communication bureau or content creators to prioritize audience diversity, choose language that is easily understandable by all societal segments, add content aligned with the promoted programs, enhance creativity in content posts, and begin fostering two-way communication to their audience.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Wening Astari, Bela Azmi' Capital City (Jakarta) Image on National and Internasional Media2024-04-08T03:35:23+00:00Muchammad Nasuchamuchammad.nasucha.uai@gmail.comMohamad Ghozali<p>The centrality of media amid society has been interrupted by gigantic impact of the internet nowadays. Departing from Lippman’s proposition, the foundation of agenda-setting theory with ecological online sphere consideration, and Galtung’s and devotees’ thought about international media works this research comparing national and international media Jakarta’s image as the capital city of Indonesia. Nevertheless, this essential topic seems neglected by previous research. This study used post-positivism paradigm, mixed-data with content analysis method, online observation. The sample of news taken randomly from the significant media according to for international media (6 media of 50), for Indonesia media was 4 of top 10 media. The selected news portal observed. The displayed news collected, structured, afterward analyzed systematically, objectively, from the title, paragraph, to the picture if any. The data shows both national and international media frame Jakarta’s image differently. International media portray Jakarta in negative way which is in line with Galtung’s and his devotee’s argument, appears as the third world country, framed with the negative attributes and tones as the most polluted city, sinking city, even dangerous city as the residence, workspace, and others. While major national media present Jakarta favorably as the central of national bustles in economy, business, education, and so forth, except one media reported Jakarta in deleterious way. This means the image of thing (capital city) related tightly to the interests or determining factors of media, while international media more complex layers than national media.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muchammad Nasucha, Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar, Gusmia Arianti, Michal Grzegorzewski E-Government Services in the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta: A Case Study on the Management of Public Complaints2024-09-20T07:26:58+00:00Riezka Novia Bewindariezkanb@gmail.comHadi<p>The government is increasingly using e-government to increase the efficiency of public services. This involves giving the community access to conveniently accessible electronic-based complaint communication methods. Thirteen electronic and non-electronic public complaint channels are available through the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jakarta. The research objective is to delineate how the Jakarta Special Region Provincial Government has employed electronic-based channels for public complaint communication and to pinpoint the constituent elements involved in this approach. In-depth stakeholder interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) are two qualitative methodologies used in this research analysis to identify themes from the NVIVO coding data. The study's findings demonstrate that electronic-based public complaint communication channels improve accessibility, transparency, and response time for complaints. In addition, this circumstance facilitates the public's ability to express their goals and enables the government to pinpoint issues more precisely and swiftly. This demonstrates how crucial technology plays in fostering efficient and successful government communication.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Riezka Novia Bewinda, Hadi Prabowo, Etin Indrayani, Gatiningsih Role of Female Legislators in Communicating Mainstream Gender Policies2024-11-01T22:03:09+00:00Kiswondari<p>Since the stipulation of the 30% quota for women to the Indonesian House of Representatives, the number of female legislators in the Indonesian House of Representatives has increased significantly. However, this condition is not comparable to the birth of policies or legislative products that mainstream gender. This study aims to determine female legislators' perspectives, roles, and obstacles in communicating the Draft of the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill as a mainstream gender policy, using three key concepts of standpoint theory. This study uses a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative approach and case study method. The study's results found several things in the three key concepts of standpoint theory. Female legislators as political communicators have a broad perspective (standpoint) and situated knowledge in communicating mainstream gender policies. However, the gender perspectives of these female legislators have not been optimally communicated, so the provisions for extending maternity leave for working mothers for 6months and 40 days of leave for fathers, which are underlined in this bill, ultimately failed to be agreed upon.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Kholisoh, Kiswondari Kiswondari Fashion Week as the Cultural Identity of Jakarta’s Generation Z2023-10-31T22:04:23+00:00Ichwan Hakimthohaichwan@gmail.comsuraya<p>Citayam Fashion Week gains pros and cons and represents the appearance of Jakarta's Generation Z streetwear that comes, gathers, shows off itself, and appears in these social situations. Citayam Fashion Week reinforces the streetwear fashion trend of Jakarta's Generation Z, which is formed from a process of cultural identity. This study aims to determine how cultural identity is formed in Generation Z Jakarta at Citayam Fashion Week. The theories used Fashion Communication theory, Intercultural Communication, Streetwear, and Cultural Identity. The paradigm used is the constructivism paradigm. This research is qualitative research with a research method using case studies. In this study, the primary data to be used is observation in the form of in-depth interviews directly with informants. The study results show that two types of Generation Z come to Citayam Fashion Week. The first is the generic, spontaneous one that comes without any interest, just looking for friends or entertainment. Her streetwear outfits are also mainstream, inspired by Hip Hop, R&B, and other subcultures. The second is Generation Z, whose intentions are for various interests such as existence, promoting work, comparing self-identities.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ichwan Hakim, suraya suraya the Social Construction of Highly Educated Women2024-11-16T16:31:19+00:00Lasmery RM<p>This study discusses the realities faced by single female workers in urban areas who are still bound by stereotypes. It is undeniable that women remain a significant topic of discussion as there are several views that hinder women, particularly in pursuing their achievements in higher education. This article focuses on how women strive to overcome stereotypical views that limit their rights. Examine the increasingly widespread stereotypes that raise society’s awareness on emerging gender-based generalizations. Thus, through recognizing gender roles, women shape their identities by constructing their own realities. Therefore, by applying an exploratory-qualitative approach, the authors found three informants in Jakarta who are challenging societal constructions. Based on the Social Construction Theory, this study shows that even though women have formal education and high jobs, they still face questions from their environment that influence their identity construction.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lasmery RM Girsang, Miletresia Miletresia of Innovation Process of the ESQ Public Speaking Model in the Communication Training Development2024-11-29T08:04:58+00:00Yusran Efendi23284010009@lspr.eduShinta Kristanti23284010007@lspr.eduQilan Umara Ridwan23284010003@lspr.eduYolanda<p>Public speaking is an important communication ability that influences numerous areas of life, including business, school, and daily life. As the generation's decision-making and education evolve, public speaking modules should be innovated to keep knowledge current and enlighten students' challenges in public speaking, such as psychological conditions, language competence, and topical knowledge both internal and external. External challenges, such as learning environments and performance conditions, can have an impact on students' confidence and ability to speak. The research uses The diffusion of innovation theory by Rogers to find out the process of the ESQ Public Speaking Model in the Communication Training Development. This study adopts a qualitative descriptive methodology, collecting data from a variety of sources to analyze the creation and diffusion of the ESQ public speaking model, which includes an analysis of interview findings from ESQ Training Institute students and graduates. As a result, the ESQ Public Speaking method has demonstrated diffusion of innovation towards its module by enhancing the audience's visual, auditory, and kinesthetic delivery modalities and awareness, as well as by developing his own capital, which includes his spiritual, mental, and emotional intelligence. raising individuals' sense of self-worth, communicating ideas clearly, and being conscious of creating a mental and spiritual balance to boost confidence by enabling participants to activate their minds and souls through the law of mindfulness, the ESQ public speaking method creates an internal component in addition to an exterior one, which is its most unique innovation.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yusran Efendi, Shinta Kristanti, Qilan Umara Ridwan, Yolanda Stellarosa of Online Shopping Behavior Before and During Pandemic towards Generation Z2024-10-08T05:33:39+00:00Rino Febrianno Boerrino.fb@lspr.eduReina Amerya<p>The increasing adoption of digital platforms has significantly influenced consumer behavior, particularly among Generation Z, necessitating a deeper understanding of how external crises reshape purchasing patterns. Grounded in consumer behavior theories, this study explores how key factors such as quality consciousness, green consumer value, materialism, and impulsive buying influence Generation Z's decision-making styles—extensive, limited, and habitual—before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary objective is to uncover the extent to which these factors evolved during the pandemic and their implications for communication strategies in digital marketing. Using a Partial Least Squares - Multi-Group Analysis (PLS-MGA) framework, the study employs a quantitative approach with data collected from Generation Z respondents across two time periods: pre-pandemic (2018, n=130) and mid-pandemic (2022, n=250). The analysis evaluates the relationships between variables and compares changes over time to identify significant shifts in consumer priorities. Results reveal that external global events amplify internal consumer values, with quality consciousness and green consumer value becoming more pronounced during the pandemic. Additionally, materialism and impulsive buying gained significance across all decision-making styles, highlighting the psychological impact of the crisis. These findings contribute to the field of communication by emphasizing the need for brands to adapt their messaging to reflect evolving consumer priorities, particularly in times of uncertainty. This research underscores the role of communication in fostering trust and aligning with sustainable and quality-driven values, offering actionable insights for marketers targeting Generation Z.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rino Febrianno Boer, Reina Amerya Ayu, Fatima Alifha Role of Public Relations in Improving Image and Visibility of Tourism Destinations in Mandalika2024-11-24T10:21:33+00:00Rendro<p>Mandalika has recently been designated Indonesia’s Tourism Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The area is projected to become one of the ten New Bali. Establishing a tourism SEZ is one of the government’s agendas to accelerate the achievement of national economic development. Located on Lombok Island, Mandalika has attracted international attention after improving its infrastructure and hosting the prestigious MotoGP races. Lombok is well-known among Muslim tourists for its halal tourism, which has been ranked in the top several times. However, tourist visits to the destination have not been significant despite the local government’s efforts to improve its halal and sports tourism attractiveness. This study aims to investigate the role and practices of public relations in enhancing the image and visibility of Mandalika as a case study. This descriptive-qualitative study employs semi-structured interviews (n=16), field observations, sensory data, and online news and social media monitoring as data collection techniques. The study’s findings suggest that local governments and event organizers need help to maximize their communication strategies and more aggressively implement public relations practices crucial to enhancing the destination’s image and visibility for international and domestic tourists. As one of the underdeveloped regions in the country, technical support and regular financial assistance from the central government are also needed to make this destination self-sufficient and more attractive to visitors.</p> <div id="highlighter--hover-tools" style="display: none;"> <div id="highlighter--hover-tools--container"> <div class="highlighter--icon highlighter--icon-copy" title="Copy"> </div> <div class="highlighter--icon highlighter--icon-change-color" title="Change Color"> </div> <div class="highlighter--icon highlighter--icon-delete" title="Delete"> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rendro Dhani Tanpa Jaringan Islam Liberal Follower’s Reception on the Anti-Sexual Violence Bill Content2023-08-13T21:11:01+00:00Dwi Adil<p>The democratic system in Indonesia supports the rise of anti-Western communities who reject the ideology of secularism, pluralism, and liberalism. Noted in several cases that occurred in Indonesia lately such as the 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor election and the 2019 presidential election as a sign of the rise of Islamic conservatism. Various actions oppose the dominant ideologies such as secularism, pluralism, and liberalism, one of them was the presence of <em>Indonesia Tanpa Jaringan Islam Liberal</em> (ITJ). The existence of ITJ until now voiced its rejection of the ideology of secularism, pluralism, and liberalism especially on social media. However, with the diversity of ITJ audiences, each message's reception will be different. Audiences are not always passive just accepting every message received. Therefore, this study will look at how acceptance of ITJ account followers on ITJ content using Stuart Hall's (1980) encoding-decoding theory. This study uses the constructivist paradigm and the methodology of transcendental phenomenology to understand the audience's experience in receiving content of ITJ and ideologies of secularism, pluralism, and liberalism. This research found various features of ITJ account followers in receiving the message displayed by ITJ. This study found that most informants understood and believed that Islamic religious values can be a good solution for the system government. Truly the majority of Informants are in a negotiating position. The audience does not take the dominant ideology (secularism, pluralism, liberalism, or even conservative) for granted. There is an active role of the ITJ audience in receiving information.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Rizqa, Ichsan Adil Prayogi, Annisarizki Annisarizki Network Analysis on News of Fuel Price Increases in the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Government in 2013 and the Joko Widodo in 20222024-12-01T13:32:03+00:00Nezar Nadhya<p>The subsidized fuel price increase poses a significant policy challenge in Indonesia, characterized by complexities in decision-making and implementation. This study investigates the mediatization of political discourse surrounding this issue during two distinct periods: 2013, under President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), and 2022, under President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Employing the Discourse Coalition Framework (DCF) and Discourse Network Analysis (DNA), the research analyzes media narratives on fuel price increases published by <em></em>, one of Indonesia's most prominent digital media outlets. The findings reveal a notable shift in discourse coalitions between the two periods. In 2013, opposition to the policy was primarily voiced by politically affiliated actors, whereas in 2022, civil society figures emerged as the dominant counteractors. Supportive narratives, however, consistently stemmed from government-aligned individuals in both periods. By comparing the actors involved, the arguments presented, and the evolution of discourse over time, this study highlights the changing dynamics of mediatized policy debates. Moreover, <em></em> demonstrated a balanced mediatization of supportive and opposing perspectives, with government-affiliated voices predominating in support, and opposition transitioning from political elites in 2013 to civil society in 2022. These findings underscore the media's evolving role in fostering issue-focused narratives, reducing polarization, and facilitating informed public discourse on contentious policy issues.</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nezar Patria, Budi Irawanto, Ana Nadhya Abrar the Agenda in Communication About the COVID-19 Pandemic on Facebook in Viet Nam2024-12-16T01:15:03+00:00Khang Tan Nguyen Dang Thi Nguyen Hoang<p>The study utilizes research methods including document analysis, questionnaire surveys, and statistical data processing to examine the reception of information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic during the social distancing period from May 2021 to October 2021 among students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. Through this study, it is observed that the Vietnamese government has directed its efforts towards disseminating information about the COVID-19 pandemic by establishing a public consultation program on the Facebook social media platform, one of the most widely used platforms in Vietnam. Additionally, the study applies the Theory of Agenda-Setting to retrospectively examine how governmental agencies and media outlets have persuaded the public and students regarding COVID-19-related issues during the social distancing period through a well-structured public consultation program.</p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khang Tan Nguyen, Nguyen Van Tuong, Dang Thi Mai Ly, Nguyen Hoang Anh Thu, Symbols, and Power: Prabowo-Gibran Political Memes on Social Media in the 2024 Presidential Election2024-10-04T06:25:44+00:00Radians Krisna Febriandyrkf.hustle@gmail.comTiara Maulinda Bonartua<p>This research explores the role of political memes in building the image and influencing public perception of the candidate pair Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka during the 2024 presidential election campaign. Using the symbolic interaction theory approach and qualitative content analysis, this study analyzed the visual and verbal symbols in memes circulating on social media such as TikTok, Twitter (X), and Instagram. The results show that political memes not only serve as a means of entertainment, but also become an effective communication tool in conveying complex political messages in a way that is easily accepted by the audience. Memes depicting Prabowo as a strong and decisive leader and Gibran as a young innovator create a narrative that reinforces their image as a representation of a blend of experience and innovation. In addition, memes also play a role in increasing political participation among young voters through humor and emotional engagement. This research concludes that political memes play an important role in political contestation in the digital age, facilitating social interaction and shaping political narratives that have a significant impact on public perception and participation.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Radians Krisna Febriandy Styles of Wives with Smoking Husbands in Protecting Their Babies from Cigarette Smoke Exposure at Home2024-10-06T10:55:37+00:00Desy Mona<p>Exposure to cigarette smoke in the home poses significant health risks, particularly to infants and toddlers. This study explores the communication styles used by wives to encourage their smoking husbands to quit or reduce smoking to protect their children’s health. A qualitative approach was employed, utilizing a constructivist paradigm with in-depth interviews conducted among mothers of toddlers with smoking husbands. The findings reveal that while most wives possess good knowledge about the dangers of smoking, they face challenges in persuading their husbands to quit. The most common communication style used was passive, influenced by cultural norms, education levels, and social support. While assertive communication was more effective in reducing smoking habits, it was less frequently employed. The study concludes that broader interventions, such as community-based programs and education for both parents, are necessary to promote smoke-free environments for children. Training and social support are recommended to improve communication effectiveness in encouraging smoking cessation.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Desy Safitry, Leila Mona Ganiem