E-Church as a Virtual Service Communities During COVID-19 Pandemics

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Kartika Singarimbun


COVID-19 threatens the survival of many people. The imposition of social isolation, social distancing, and lockdown policies, shuts down face-to-face worship at the church. Despite the stuttering information technology, the Protestant churches gradually broadcast the worship Livestream Youtube and save the video afterward; so that the congregation can watch the e-church further. The adoption of communication technology has become a new strategy for church institutions during the pandemic; by creating channels for congregations. With the theory of mediatization of religion,  media used to delivering religious content, and as Protestant virtual communities, environment to gather and participate in real-time Sunday worship on youtube Livestream. E-church is the main target of Indonesian church institutions today, although it cannot be denied that many communication aspects are missing; such as touch, emotion, and expression. By using the Indonesian Christian Church known as GKI Taman Cibunut Bandung as a case study, multi-sources of informants who were interviewed semi-structured were conducted so that the data were obtained comprehensively.

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How to Cite
Singarimbun, K. (2021). E-Church as a Virtual Service Communities During COVID-19 Pandemics. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 6(1), 96–106. https://doi.org/10.25008/jkiski.v6i1.509
Author Biography

Kartika Singarimbun, London School of Public Relations Communication and Business Institute Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav.35, Jakarta 10220 - Indonesia

Kartika Singarimbun received her Ph.D. in Mass Media from the Doctoral Program of Communication Sciences at Universitas Padjadjaran. She earned her Master of Communication in Public Relations at the Universitas Padjadjaran. She was a practice in the radio industry for 17 years in different roles and companies. She also worked as a program director at the larger radio group companies, where she supervised program managers. She is an Assistant Professor at the Post Graduate Programme at London School of Public Relations Communication and Business Institute -Jakarta. She has had a number of journal articles published including "Branding is a key to going network: A case study of Prambors network" (2018), in the International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE), "The Role of Celebrity Radio DJs in Contemporary Radio Industry: A Case Study of Prambors Network: (2019), in the Malaysian Journal of Communication, "Reaching an Optimal Target: How Prambors Radio Network Uses Content to Connect with Millennials" and "Broadcasting Law 32/2002: A Case of the Indonesian Government’s Indecisiveness towards the Implementation of Radio Network" (2019) in the Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) and "Strategic Marketing in Indonesian Radio Companies: Integrated Radio Brands Communications" (2020) in the Solid State Technology.


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